Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rubber Bullets

As Jeff Gaelli points out, in that excellent report from Palestine, the IDF's 'official' policy is to fire at the legs of the protesters, but in fact, they do indeed target the upper torso and even the head! Rubber bullets do inflict severe pain and injuries, and even death, folks...!

What prompted that rant on rubber bullets is this appalling tale I'd read today...

Israeli military invades Palestinian village after Israeli Settlers attack family

On Thursday morning, in Tiqua village, near Bethlehem, a Palestinian family was attacked by Israeli settlers, which led to a clash between the residents of the village and Israeli forces.

According to Ma'an News, the incident happened when a Palestinian mother taking her two children, age 10 and 11, to school, was attacked by Israeli settlers, who threw stones at the family.

The three civilians were injured during the attack, which was followed by an Israeli military invasion of the town. Villagers angered by the incident were seen burning tires and throwing stones at the invading Israeli troops. According to the Israeli military, a crowd of around 50 Palestinians gathered to confront the invading troops.

Local witnesses said that when the Israeli forces raided the village, they fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at the residents.

Talk about adding insult to injury...! *gah*

Now, I would like to highlight another recent incident that involved the use of Israeli rubber bullets...

MK Hanin Zoabi Wounded By Israeli Fire

Arab member of the Israeli Knesset, Haneen Zoabi, stated that she was hit by two rubber-coated bullets fired by the Israeli police during Wednesday’s clashes in Umm al-Fahm, after the police violently attacked protesters who took to the streets to counter a march by fundamentalist settlers.

The Arabs48 news website reported that Zoabi was deliberately targeted by the police. [...]

The Arabs48 news website reported that the police deliberately attacked political leaders including Mohammad Zeidan, head of the Higher Follow-up Committee; MK Dr. Jamal Zahalka; Awad Abdul-Fattah, secretary-general of the National Democratic Assembly; Umm al-Fahm mayor, Khaled Hamdan; MK Afou Agbaria and several other political and social figures.

MK Zoabi told the Arabs48 news that “the real threat against the protesters did not actually come from the extremist settlers, but in fact came from the police who deliberately attacked the protesters with the intent to hurt them”. She added that the police started firing rubber-coated bullets well before any clashes took place, and that the police apparently intended to send a message stating that “Arabs who defend themselves and stand for their rights, will be punished”.

Naturally, the Israeli Police called her a liar...!

That protest she'd participated in was an eerie equivalent of our own Skokie march. Complete with a Supreme Court ruling allowing the Fascists to march in hostile territory.

As I'd blogged shortly after it occurred...

Our Land of Israel group to hold protest rally in northern city against police ‘servility’ towards Islamic Movement. Clashes expected as last year. [...]
“Nothing is more symbolic than the fact that one day after the twentieth anniversary of his murder, Rabbi Kahane’s followers will arrive to continue his struggle against the Arab enemy in the Islamic Movement,” said Marzel. “It is our right to march and demand that the obsequiousness towards this terror movement be stopped. We demand that (leader of the Islamic Movement’s northern branch, Sheikh) Raed Salah and his partners be made illegal. They made Kach illegal, so the Islamic Movement should be even more so.“

Several other notable quotes...

Police use stun grenades to disperse Umm el-Fahm protest

...National Union MK and Kahane disciple Michael Ben Ari announced on the way to the march that there are terrorists in Umm al Fahm.

“I warned, and no one listened to me!” Ben Ari said. “I turn to the prime minister and say: There is no reason that the Islamic Movement should be allowed to exist in Israel. In Egypt, it’s illegal. In Jordan, they’re not allowed to have any influence.”

Ben Ari continued: “There is no reason we should be a stupid democracy and let people who want to destroy us have a voice.

After nearly half an hour of rock-throwing and tire-burning, police ran and rode horses into the streets of Umm al Fahm, continuing to shoot stun grenades and tear gas, and dragged away the offenders, as the right-wing activists approached the town.

Police arrested several suspects, and reported no injuries. MK Hanin Zoabi said she was injured by tear gas, and accused the police of using extensive force, Israel Radio reported.

Al Jazeera noted at the time...

The police responded with tear gas and baton charges, Al Jazeera’s Sherine Tadros reported.

Certainly police were expecting this kind of violence and it has manifested itself,” she said.

Fifteen of the Palestinian demonstrators were injured, two of them members of the Knesset.

No Our Land of Israel protesters were arrested, but ten from the Palestinian side were.

Plainclothes Israeli police officers were seen amongst the Palestinian protesters with handguns firing shots.

Protesters have said that they believe live ammunition was used, a charge which Israeli police deny.

Another notable cite...

The clashes erupted after more than 30 right-wing settlers traveled in buses from occupied Jerusalem to Umm al-Fahm this morning, led by far-right activists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir, in order to hold a protest march calling for outlawing the Islamic Movement.

Eyewitness said that undercover agents who were throwing stones along with Umm Al-Fahm young men fired shots into the air to signal to the Israeli policemen to start their attack on the Palestinians. Those agents helped the policemen to arrest seven of the Palestinian protesters. [...]

Earlier before the arrival of the settler’s buses, eyewitness reported that more than 1,500 Israeli policemen were deployed in Umm Al-Fahm and its environs to protect them after an Israeli court allowed them to march in the city.

1,500 for 30 marchers...? 50 policemen to every 'marcher'...?

As I'd closed...

...Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch told the Knesset that the rightist march in Umm al-Fahm had been approved by the Supreme Court and coordinated with the police.

“Gunpowder was already laid out on the city’s grounds and police officers did their utmost to maintain order. Sometimes the price of preserving democracy is use of force – these are rules applicable to every protest. I support the officers,” he said.

Btw, this isn't just an I/P issue...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Small Question...

Isn't it reassuring to know that Madame Hillary doesn't take a day off? Or not...! Here's the transcript of Bibi's and Hillary's brief comments to the press after their brief tête à tête this morning...

QUESTION: Madam Secretary, can I ask you a small question (inaudible)?

SECRETARY CLINTON: A small question? (Laughter.)

QUESTION: A little one.


QUESTION: Why would you – why do you think the building in Jerusalem is counterproductive if it has been going on for more than 40 years now?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we’re going to be talking about everything and I will save my comments beyond what I’ve already said to talk to the prime minister. I’m very pleased to be here and to have this opportunity to discuss with him how we’re going to move forward in the process.

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: Well, I’m very happy that we have the opportunity to actually meet. We’ve been talking on the phone quite intensively over the last few weeks. The last time we met was in Cairo and Jerusalem – in Sharm el-Sheikh and Jerusalem in the (inaudible) of direct negotiations. We’ve been talking and will talk today about how to resume them to continue this process to get the historic agreement with peace and security between us and the Palestinians. I would like to add that we also hope to broaden it to many other Arab countries. So this is our common goal. We’re quite serious about doing it and we want to get on with it, so you’ll have to stop asking questions.

QUESTION: (Inaudible) the resumption of the peace talks soon?

SECRETARY CLINTON: That’s what we’re going to be discussing. We’re both very committed to it. I know and I’ve said repeatedly that the prime minister and President Abbas are both very committed to the two-state solution and we’re going to find a way forward.

QUESTION: Is there a formula? Is there a formula (inaudible)?

SECRETARY CLINTON: You must have a million pictures of us doing the handshake. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Is there a formula that (inaudible)?


SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you all very much.

Yes, what is the formula moving forward...? A simple enough question don't you think? Handshakes at photo-ops doesn't quite cut it, Madame...

Clinton vows to find 'way forward' for Middle East peace

...Clinton vowed to find "a way forward", while Netanyahu said "a historic agreement" with the Palestinians was still possible. [...]

Ahead of the Clinton-Netanyahu talks at a New York hotel, Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas said he would hold US President Barack Obama to his pledge to seek the creation of a Palestinian state within a year.

"We consider this statement to be a commitment by President Obama, not just a slogan, and we hope that next year he won't say to us 'we apologise, we can't,'" Abbas said.

The Palestinians have refused to hold talks since Israel ended a freeze on settler construction.

But Clinton commented at the start of the meeting that "the prime minister and president Abbas are both very committed to a two-state solution and we are going to find a way forward."

"We're going to be talking about everything," she added.

Netanyahu said: "We will be talking about how to resume and continue this process to get a historic agreement with peace and security between us and the Palestinians."

"We also hope to broaden it to many other Arab countries... we are quite serious about doing it and we want to get on with it," he added.

Hmmm, 'broaden it to many other Arab countries'...?

Something along these lines Bibi, perchance...?

Israeli media sources have reported that steps are being taken toward holding a right-wing Israeli conference to address the issue of changing Jordan into a nation-state for the Palestinian people, with no consideration to Jordan's sovereignty.

In its Monday (8.11.2010) issue, Haaretz reported that a large number of right-wing Israeli figures will discuss a plan to demand that the Israeli government dismiss the principle of the "two-state solution" because it "will pose an existential threat to Israel" should it ever be implemented. Alternatively, the conference will propose to change Jordan into a nation state for the Palestinian people.

Spooky, No...? But I digress...

Now, getting back to the Peace Farce, Abu Mazen, quickly folded like the cheap lawn chair that he is...

Abbas: Mideast peace is more important than settlement building

Speaking at ceremony marking anniversary of Arafat's death, Abbas reiterates Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

...President Abbas said that peace was more important than building more settlements and from what he called "narrow interests," such as maintaining Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition.

"The children of Israel and Palestine must be taste the flavor of coexistence, stability and mutual respect, before missing out on such an opportunity," Abbas said, reiterating the Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

The Palestinian president also said a final-status agreement would not be signed before all of the Palestinian prisoners would be released from Israeli jails.

"I challenge anyone who says we did not implement all our obligations," he said. "We met all our obligations, but Israel did not implement even one of its obligations." [...]

"I said we will go to the Security Council and they started saying that it was a unilateral action even before I went," he said.

"Israel is doing unilateral actions daily in its construction of the separation wall and the settlements, but this is not called unilateral," he added.

So why are you still at the table, Abu Mazen...? Maybe I can count a 150 million reasons to do so...! And again I digress...

Interestingly, our bribery largesse wasn't confined to just the Palestinian side of the equation...

US to boost weapons stockpile in Israel: report

The United States is to significantly increase the amount of military equipment held in Israel as part of a move to upgrade security ties between the two allies, press reports said on Thursday.

The move, which will see an extra 400-million-dollars worth of smart bombs and other precision weaponry and equipment moved to Israel over the next two years, was approved last week by the US Congress, the Israeli correspondent of Defence News reported.

The upgrade will see the value of US military equipment stockpiled in Israel rise to one billion dollars in 2011, with another 200 million to be added in 2012, the paper said. In 2007, the stockpile was valued at 800 million dollars. Such equipment can be used by US forces throughout the world but also by the host country, under the terms of the US foreign aid law governing reserve stockpiles for allies.

Bunker busters away...! *gah*

Now, in a poignant tale of the true Reality on the ground for the Palestinians, as Abu Mazen was pounding the podium at one Arafat memorial, at another...

Thirty students under the age of 14 suffered tear-gas inhalation Thursday when an organized march commemorating the death of former president Yasser Arafat came into proximity with an Israeli patrol vehicle.

The children, part of a group of 300 marching from the school toward the town of Beit Ummar in Hebron, threw stones at a military vehicle, an Israeli army spokesman said, prompting the use of riot dispersal mechanisms from soldiers.

Officials from the primary school said some of the children threw up and others were nauseous for hours following what they described as an attack on the group.

Folks, it was a Girls school and the ages of the participants ranged from 3 to 15...! Do you really think 300 girls required the need for tear gas...?

So, in summation... Where's the Beef...?


"Enormous Obstacles"

The Grey Lady reported Tuesday night...

In Curt Exchange, U.S. Faults Israel on Housing

President Obama’s criticism of new Israeli housing plans for East Jerusalem, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s even sharper retort, have thrown the Middle East peace talks into jeopardy, with the dispute over Jewish settlements looming as a seemingly insuperable hurdle.

The Obama administration is struggling to restart direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians, which stalled last month after the expiration of a partial freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to meet Mr. Netanyahu in New York on Thursday, while Egypt sent two top officials to Washington to discuss ways to salvage the process.

But the brusque exchange between Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu reflected again the gulf between Israel and the United States over settlements — an issue Mr. Obama initially made the centerpiece of his Middle East diplomacy. Palestinian officials said Israel’s latest announcement threatened the talks and could prompt a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.

Brusque indeed...! More on that unilateral Palestinian declaration...

Palestinians demand immediate statehood to counter Israeli 'unilateralism'

Raising the stakes in the deadlock over stalled peace talks, Saeb Erekat said it was clear from the latest announcement of building plans in East Jerusalem and Ariel that Israel wants settlements, not peace.

Bibi merely scoffed at the Palestinians and Obama in his prompt retort...

"Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is the capital of the state of Israel," Netanyahu said in a statement. "Israel sees no connection between the diplomatic process and the planning and building policy in Jerusalem."

But Bibi... Ariel isn't Jerusalem...!

At Foggy Bottom yesterday, PJ , truly pulled off some slick Jiu Jitsu moves...

QUESTION: Different subject. On the Israeli announcement today, the 1500 new apartments in East Jerusalem, yesterday you said that somebody in Israel has made this known in order to embarrass the prime minister and to undermine the process. Do you –

MR. CROWLEY: Well, I suggested that as a possibility.

QUESTION: Yeah. But today prime minister’s –Israeli prime minister’s office has issued a statement defending the announcement, saying that Jerusalem is not a settlement; it’s the capital of the state of Israel. Israel sees no link between the peace process and its development plans in Jerusalem. What’s your reaction to that?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, there clearly is a link in the sense that it is incumbent upon both parties, as we have insisted all along, that they are responsible for creating conditions for a successful negotiation. So to suggest that this kind of announcement would not have an impact on the Palestinian side, I think, is incorrect. We do understand that Israel has its own position on these kinds of announcements. That said, we have indicated that we think these kinds of announcements at this time are – even if there’s a process that’s going to carry over for months, if not years – are counterproductive to our efforts to get the parties into a direct negotiation. So we haven’t changed our view.

QUESTION: But the prime minister’s statement came immediately after, or very soon after the President made his own criticism of the settlement announcement. Doesn’t this appear – don’t they appear to be hardening their position or explicitly rejecting the U.S. stance on this, going into the second phase of --

MR. CROWLEY: Well, again, the Secretary looks forward to her meeting with the prime minister on Thursday. I have confidence that this will be among the subjects discussed.

QUESTION: Do you think she’ll be expressing her invitation? I mean, it sounds like –

MR. CROWLEY: I’m confident that there will be a meeting in New York [...]

QUESTION: The Palestinians have responded, saying that the Israelis are going to take unilateral action; the international community should go ahead and create a state of Palestine.

MR. CROWLEY: And this is why we’ve had a consistent position throughout that both sides have to avoid unilateral actions that really poison the atmosphere and prevent progress towards negotiations, which, again, is the only means through which we can resolve these issues once and for all.

QUESTION: What can you say about the process now? Is there any process – is there anything –

MR. CROWLEY: Well, there’s absolutely a process. What we’re looking for is to make progress, and that is something that we continue to aggressively seek. [...]

QUESTIONER: …It seems that every time there is visitor, a high caliber visitor, be it an American visitor to Israel or an Israeli visitor to the United States, there seems to be an announcement of building settlements.

CROWLEY: Well, I don’t think the Vice President’s taking this personally.

About Biden not taking it personally...

Biden is Not Taking It Personally

...As for Crowley’s apparent faith in the VP’s inner fortitude, Joe Biden’s emotional state should not technically serve as the official barometer for progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Crowley’s suggestion that “it could very well be that somebody in Israel has made this [current settlement plan] known in order to embarrass the prime minister and to undermine the [peace] process” meanwhile dwindles in credibility if we consider Netanyahu’s lack of embarrassment at other recent behavior, such as his scolding of the U.N. Secretary General based on opposition at UNESCO to Israeli confiscation of Palestinian heritage sites.

According to Netanyahu, the U.N. is “distort[ing] historical facts” by refusing to acknowledge the 4,000-year biblically-verified Jewish connection with sites that happen to be located in occupied Palestine. Hopefully Biden will not take it personally if 4,000 years turn out to be more compelling than “forever”.

The hasbara aparatchik immediately leaped into action...

Media Trying to Make Crisis out of Building for Jews in Capital

Mainstream media, led by Israel’s anti-nationalist newspapers, are trying to make a crisis out of previously approved homes for Jews in Jerusalem, Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser told Voice of Israel government radio Wednesday morning. Foreign media often take their cue on local issues from colleagues in the country they are covering.

Hauser stated that building for Jews in the capital will continue. He added that there is no crisis between Israel and the United States over the routine public notice of another stage in the long bureaucratic process before construction begins on more than 1,000 new homes in Har Homa in southern Jerusalem.

The Cabinet Secretary charged that Israeli media have taken the issue to the extreme and that discussions with the Americans are a lot more moderate.

Of course, Bibi wasn't just content enough to slam the door on the Peace Farce...

Netanyahu Says U.S. Must Show a Military Strike Against Iran Is Possible

“The simple paradox is this,” Netanyahu said in a speech yesterday to Jewish activists in New Orleans. “If the international community, led by the U.S., wants to stop Iran without resorting to military action, it will have to convince Iran that it is prepared to take such action.”

Now, if that didn't disgust you enough, Madame Hillary, after talks with Egypt's FM, and, their Chief of Intelligence, and, ahead of Tomorrow's tête à tête with Bibi in the Big Apple...

Clinton nixes unilateral move for Palestinian state

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday the United States does not support a unilateral move by Palestinians to declare a Palestinian state. [...]

"We do not support unilateral steps by either party that would prejudge the outcome of such negotiations," Clinton said.

"Each party has a very strong set of opinions about the way forward," Clinton said. "There will be no progress until they actually come together and explore areas where there is agreement, and ways to narrow areas of disagreement."

"We have always said, and I continue to say, that negotiations between the parties are the only means by which all of the outstanding claims arising out of the conflict can be resolved."

I find it rather hypocritical, Madame, that you're against unilateral actions by any party, yet, you unilaterally hand a UN SC pocket veto to Bibi and further hamstring Abu Mazen...!

Time to have the UN step into the 'process' and arbitrate, since we are not impartial one iota...!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Israel tells US: Create Credible Military Threat Against Iran

Unfortunately, no vid clips are posted yet from this year's Confab in the Big Easy...

Imagine my surprise when I'd read 'Who Dat?' in a Ha'aretz headline...

Who dat? The Jewish Federations General Assembly hits New Orleans

More than 4,000 members of Jewish organizations, NGOs and charities have descended upon the Big Easy for the annual convention.

The annual General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America got going Saturday night (after Shabbat, of course) in the heart of New Orleans, under the moniker “The Big Embrace in the Big Easy.

In a timely Ha'aretz Op-Ed, Gideon Levy, hits a Grand Salami... Cleared all the bases...!

Dear American Jews, if you love Israel - criticize it

If Israel is dear to you - and that is true of most of you - then be honest enough to criticize it as it deserves.

Today, your representatives will open your great annual convention, the General Assembly. Between New Orleans' Marriott and Sheraton hotels, you will be sated with lectures and lecturers, panels and discussion groups. Some will be about you, and some will be about us Israelis. Once again, you will hear all the cliches - and Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni, too.

But this year, you will be meeting in the shadow of last week's midterm elections - many of you are surely rejoicing over the president's defeat - and on the eve of fateful decisions.

I read that your menu includes an Israeli breakfast, and also several discussions about the global delegitimization of Israel. Doubtless the speakers will tell you it's because of anti-Semitism.

Don't believe them. There is anti-Semitism in the world, but not to the extent they will tell you. Nor is there any "delegitimization of Israel." There is only delegitimization of Israel's policy of force and occupation. [...]

Your beloved Israel is addicted. It is addicted to occupation and aggression, and someone has to wean it from these addictions. Like any other junkie, it is incapable of helping itself. Thus the job falls to you.

So Bibi's in the Big Easy, with Biden, shooting the breeze today...

Vice President Biden Pledges Unwavering Support for Israel

Vice President Joe Biden told Jewish groups that the U.S. under the Obama administration remains a steadfast and unwavering ally to Israel.

Before the speech Sunday, Biden met for about an hour with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Mideast peace negotiations.

Their meeting was seen as a possible sign of movement for the troubled diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians. The peace talks broke down in late September over renewed Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank.

Biden told the general assembly of the Jewish Federation of North America in New Orleans that the Obama White House "represents an unbroken chain in American leaders who have understood the critical strategic relationship" between the U.S. and Israel.

As other sources had noted...

Israel tells US: create credible military threat against Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Vice President Joe Biden Sunday that only a "credible" threat of military action will ensure Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons, a senior Israeli official said. [...]

The senior official, who asked not to be named, quoted Netanyahu as telling Biden: "The only way to ensure Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons is by creating a credible threat of military action against it if it does not halt its race to acquire a nuclear bomb." [...]

Mark Regev, Netanyahu's spokesman, said the Israeli prime minister expressed support for continued sanctions on Iran but suggested more pressure was needed.

"Sanctions are important. They are increasing pressure on Iran. But so far there has not been any change in the behaviour of Iran and upgrading of international pressure is necessary," he quoted Netanyahu as saying to Biden.

Now, as the Jpost crowed...

Biden underscores US commitment to Israeli security at GA

US vice president: “When it comes to Israel’s security there can be no daylight –no daylight- between Israel and the US"; also upholds Palestinians’ right to their own country, says objective in line with Israel’s.

US Vice President Joe Biden delivered an impassioned speech in support of Israel at the Jewish Federations of North American’s General Assembly in New Orleans on Sunday, saying whatever differences have recently existed between the White House and Jerusalem these were tactical rather than fundamental.

He reiterated what he said was the Obama administration’s deep commitment to Israel’s security and to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“When it comes to Israel’s security there can be no daylight –no daylight– between Israel and the US,” he said. [...]

It is critical to keep the international spot light on the genuine threats to the Israel (sic) like the Iranian nuclear program, not Israel,” Biden said.

As Arutz Sheva reported on our Ambassador to Israel words to the Israelis...

"The Relationship Between the U.S. and Israel will Not Change"

...Cunningham addressed the results of last week’s midterm elections in the U.S. and said that he believes that they will not have an effect on the relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

While there are differences to be sure, both Democrats and Republicans generally agree that the United States has both a practical and moral responsibility to provide effective global leadership during the 21st century,” said Cunningham and added that on issues of security of Israel “there is strong bipartisan agreement. Republicans and Democrats both agree that our relationship with Israel is a bond that political developments will not undercut.”

Cunningham added that the U.S.-Israel relationship is based on common values, partnership, and mutual interests, as well as on an unwavering bipartisan commitment to Israel security, pursuing peace and regional stability. “Our relationship with Israel is not an issue of partisan politics and it would be a negative development were it to become one,” he said. [...]

During his remarks Ayalon echoed Cunningham’s sentiments on the relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

“I would have said the same and I think we look at most things from the same perspective,” he said. “There are some legitimate differences between friends but also as friends we have never let any differences spill over to other issues.”

Talking about that Bipartisan support...

The AFP had reported from Halifax...

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham set a tough tone on Iran on Saturday at a security conference in Ottawa(Halifax actually) when he said conservatives want "bold" action on Iran.

If Obama "decides to be tough with Iran beyond sanctions, I think he is going to feel a lot of Republican support for the idea that we cannot let Iran develop a nuclear weapon," Graham told the Halifax International Security Forum.

"The last thing America wants is another military conflict, but the last thing the world needs is a nuclear-armed Iran... Containment is off the table."

As Reagan once famously quipped... "Bombing will commence in 5 minutes...!"


Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Science Of A Siege

Haaretz recently published this editorial...

Formulas for siege

The use of mathematical euqations to calculate basic humanitarian needs cannot help but raise parallels with the most monstrous uses of science.

For three years, officers from COGAT, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, have used mathematical formulas to monitor food and other basic necessities imported into the Gaza Strip. The formula Z/C=D, for example, was used to measure the "breathing space" Gaza residents had before stocks of a given product were depleted. [...]

The documents that were disclosed displayed the inhumanity of Israel's closure policy in all its glory. But the blockade had long since proven itself to be not only an immoral instrument of policy, but also an ineffective one. None of its declared aims has been achieved: not the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and not the weakening of Hamas, which has only reinforced its rule under the closure. [...]

But the use of mathematical formulas to calculate basic humanitarian needs cannot help but raise parallels with the most monstrous uses of science. Blood-curdling calculations were made over the suffering of a civilian population numbering 1.5 million individuals. This inhumanity was also expressed in the cynical wording of the documents. [...]

The use of these documents, whose disclosure was essential to understand the thinking of those responsible for the blockade, has ceased. But we must remember that even if the siege has been eased, it continues to exist. Almost no one can enter Gaza or leave it, and the same is true of merchandise for export, which is of critical importance to the territory's economy.

Haaretz's Amira Hass in tandem with Gisha forced the COGAT to release these documents... (PDF! 22pgs)


a. Long shelf life - products that can be stored and used for a long time such as rice, sugar, flour, baby food.

b. Short shelf life - products that can be stored for relatively short periods of time, after which they expire, such as fresh milk and meat products.

c. Warning line - inventory days beyond which the relevant official must attend to the deviation from reasonable norms and assess the adequacy of the model.

d. Shortage - number of inventory days beneath which there is a danger of a shortage of a basic product, to the point of complete absence as part of the statistical deviation of the model and the difficulties of geographical distribution in the Gaza Strip.

Appendix B

Calculation of product inventory (except for animal feed, meat
and fuel)

b. The inventory of products will be calculated by weight (if for some reason it is not possible to obtain a breakdown by weight of the trucks, the weight will be calculated by the average weight of the relevant product per truck – Appendix G).

c. The daily consumption per capita per product as calculated by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics = A.

d. The population of the Gaza Strip = B.

e. Daily consumption = C. (A * B = C)

f. The daily quantity entering the Gaza Strip of the relevant product (70% of wheat goes to making flour and therefore in calculating the inventory of wheat calculate 70% of the amount of wheat entering the Gaza Strip) = X.

g. The existing reserves in the Gaza Strip (without the amount transferred that day) = Y.

h. The quantity of reserves in the Gaza Strip = Z. (X + Y – C = Z)

i. Breathing space (in days) = D. (Z /C= D)

As Amira Hass recently reported...

The formulas used coefficients and a formulation for "breathing space," a term used by COGAT authorities to refer to the number of days remaining until a certain supply runs out in Gaza, to determine allowed quantities. [...]

A high-ranking COGAT officer told Haaretz that "Regulation, supervision and evaluation of supply of inventories in Gaza" is a method of quickly identifying a shortage of any basic item in Gaza, and that despite the mathematical equations contained in the document, he had never intentionally limited the amount of goods allowed to enter, but on the contrary, verified whether inventories of certain basic supplies in Gaza were full.

The COGAT spokesman said that the regulations were formulated "based on well-known basic foodstuffs, in consultation with the Israeli Health Ministry and in consideration of family consumption habits in Gaza, as published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2006." [...]

These rules, the draft continued, were meant to allow in goods that would "supply the basic humanitarian needs of the Palestinian population." It then listed seven considerations to weigh when determining which goods should be permitted.

Security was one. The others were as follows:

* "The necessity of the product for meeting humanitarian needs (including its implications for public health in both the Strip and Israel )."

* "The product's image (whether it is considered a luxury )."

* "Legal obligations."

* "The impact of the product's use (whether it is used for preservation, reconstruction or development ), with an emphasis on the impact of its entry on the Hamas government's status."

* "The sensitivities of the international community."

* "The existence of alternatives."

These rules explain why, for example, imports of cloth and thread, which were considered "development" products, were barred, thereby destroying Gaza's textile industry.

Ironically, it's been widely touted that the siege had been 'eased' shortly after the Mavi Marmara tragedy, but, the duplicity of Bibi was evident even upon Bibi's initial 'announcement'...

Israel announces let-up to Gaza siege - but only in English

Prime Minister's office issues two statements, one in English announcing plan to ease blockade, one in Hebrew omitting to mention the decision.

...Two official statements came out of the Prime Minister's Office in regard to the security cabinet meeting – one in Hebrew for the Israeli media and another in English for the foreign media and foreign diplomats. The English version said that "It was agreed to liberalize the system by which civilian goods enter Gaza [and] expand the inflow of materials for civilian projects that are under international supervision." The Hebrew version addressed mainly remarks made by Netanyahu, but failed to mention any decision or agreement.

The Hebrew version also failed to mention whether the prime minister's position was formally approved. "Israel will alter the system in order to allow more civilian goods into Gaza," the Hebrew statement read.

Even Tzipi Livni, who was the Foreign Minister at the time the Gaza Siege was first imposed on Hamas, had recently testified at the Turkel Commission...

Gaza prohibitions were 'too harsh,' Livni tells Turkel

Livni said the Defense Ministry was responsible for banning numerous food products from entering Gaza, such as pasta, coriander, spices and even ketchup.

Many of the prohibitions Israel imposed on the Gaza Strip were overly harsh, opposition leader Tzipi Livni yesterday told the Turkel Committee probing Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in May. [...]

"I thought [at the time] that drawing a distinction between different types of food, some of which would be allowed in and some of which not, was unnecessary," Livni said. "I thought the ban on spaghetti excessive, but it was the defense minister and the coordinator of government activities in the territories who made the decisions."

She was referring to Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Coordinator of Government Activities Amos Gilad, who in the last months of Olmert's government, insisted on a rigorous blockade. Their refusal to allow pasta into Gaza prompted a wave of international protest, and the United States demanded lifting the ban on all food items immediately.

That would be the Bush Administration demanding the lifting of the ban, at that juncture...

Why is it that we're only hearing *crickets* from Obama and Abu Mazen on the lifting of the Siege during the current Peace Farce talks, Hmmm...?


Btw, the latest sleight of hand in the Peace Farce...

Report: U.S. proposes Israel lease lands from Palestinians under future deal

According to Asharq al-Awsat, U.S. offers in secret negotiations that Israel lease lands in E. Jerusalem from future Palestinian state for 40-99 years.

Israel is conducting secret negotiations with the U.S. on establishing the future borders of a Palestinian state, the London-based Arabic language daily Asharq al-Awsat reported on Friday.

According to the report, Palestinian sources confirmed that the two sides discussed an option wherein Israel may lease lands in East Jerusalem from the Palestinians in exchange for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Israel would lease the territories from the Palestinian state for a period of 40 to 99 years.

The Palestinian sources said that the talks are an American initiative that has been going on for some time in order to obtain an understanding with Israel regarding the terms surrounding a future Palestinian state.

The Palestinian Authority apparently has only recently been made aware of the talks and hasn't been given the details of the proposal.

An Egyptian source told the newspaper that the negotiations are "more quiet than secret, and are meant to try to save the peace process."

Awesome...! Ensure that the 'Bantustans' exist for the next 40-99 years...!


Time's Up...

Part 2 of Laura Flanders interview with Micha Kurz.

Now that the Midterms have come and gone. And, it's all over but the crying. The Peace Farce stumbles along...

And, Biibi was right on cue...

Israel has "desire" for talks, Palestinians should too - Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday called on the Palestinian leadership to not look "for excuses" to avoid direct peace negotiations and to drop their preconditions for such talks, DPA reported.

Defending his policies in a special Knesset session called by the opposition, he also blamed the Palestinians for not wanting to recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

"I know we have the desire to advance (the political process)," Netanyahu told the Israeli parliament. "I hope that the Palestinian Authority will also demonstrate such a desire, and that they are not looking for excuses to avoid talks." [...]

Apparently referring to his demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Netanyahu said on Wednesday that "the cost of an agreement is first and foremost to recognize that we will be here."

"We have not seen these conditions ripen," he added.

If the recently launched direct talks failed, Netanyahu said, then it will be "because of an assumption made by the Palestinian Authority that perhaps they could circumvent or avoid the need for direct negotiations by moving straight on to international dictates."

"...first and foremost to recognize that we will be here."

Wtf is that noise...?

Really, I do think the Palestinians do know that you're there...! Every waking hour of their miserable lives even...!

Today, Abu Mazen had this to say about the US midterms and Bibi...

Abbas: US trying to restart peace talks

Continuous efforts have been made by US mediators to bring stalled peace talks back on track, President Mahmoud Abbas told the Kuwait News Agency KUNA on Wednesday.

As PA officials insist that the midterm elections - which took seats in the nation's congress away from President Barack Obama's Democratic party - will not harm the process, Abbas said officials from all parties involved were continuing efforts.

Beyond American involvement, he told the agency, Arab officials and representatives of the Middle East Quartet - made up of EU, US, UN and Russian delegates - were in dialogue with Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in efforts to secure an end to settlement construction on Palestinian lands.

"If we achieve nothing from these talks we will search for other solutions with the support of the United States and the [UN] Security Council," Abbas told the paper.

Haaretz had this to say about the midterms...

U.S. midterms: AIPAC lauds re-election of pro-Israel stalwarts

The spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in the United States told Haaretz yesterday that support for Israel in Congress is "strong and bipartisan."

Republicans, who took control of the House of Representatives and made gains in the Senate Tuesday, are expected to take a tougher stance on Iran and to put pressure on the Obama administration to ease up on Israel.

In a statement, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee said, "It is abundantly clear that the 112th Congress will continue America's long tradition of staunch support for a strong, safe and secure Israel and an abiding friendship between the United States and our most reliable ally in the Middle East. Many of the strongest friends and supporters of the U.S.-Israel relationship were reelected on Tuesday. In particular, AIPAC congratulates Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV ), Reps. John Boehner (R-OH ), Nancy Pelosi (D-CA ), Eric Cantor (R-VA ) and Steny Hoyer (D-MD )."


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Freedom Or Provocation In Umm Al-Fahm?

Wednesday morning in Umm Al-Fahm, which is the second largest Arab city in the country and the center of the Islamic Movement, the extremist right-wing party, Baruch Marzel, held a protest march.

To set the stage...

Baruch Marzel to march in Umm al-Fahm

Our Land of Israel group to hold protest rally in northern city against police 'servility' towards Islamic Movement. Clashes expected as last year

...About three months ago the High Court approved the demonstration despite police claims, based on past experience and intelligence information, that the demonstration would likely end in public disorder. [...]

The demonstration is to be held after the holidays, and organizers have chosen the day after the memorial day for Rabbi Meir Kahane...

“Nothing is more symbolic than the fact that one day after the twentieth anniversary of his murder, Rabbi Kahane’s followers will arrive to continue his struggle against the Arab enemy in the Islamic Movement,” said Marzel. “It is our right to march and demand that the obsequiousness towards this terror movement be stopped. We demand that (leader of the Islamic Movement’s northern branch, Sheikh) Raed Salah and his partners be made illegal. They made Kach illegal, so the Islamic Movement should be even more so."

The Guardian has a great photo montage of the event...

Israeli Arab and Jewish protesters clash in Umm Al-Fahm

Clashes broke out after extreme right-wing Jewish protesters marched through the outskirts of Umm Al-Fahm in Israel. The march commemorated the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York. Hundreds of Israeli Arabs began throwing stones and police, who had been supervising the march, responded with tear gas, stun grenades and arrests

As the Jpost had reported...

Police use stun grenades to disperse Umm el-Fahm protest

...Police released stun grenades and tear gas into the street in order to scatter Arab residents demonstrating in the area where the right-wing activists are supposed to march. [...]

National Union MK and Kahane disciple Michael Ben Ari announced on the way to the march that there are terrorists in Umm al Fahm.

"I warned, and no one listened to me!" Ben Ari said. "I turn to the prime minister and say: There is no reason that the Islamic Movement should be allowed to exist in Israel. In Egypt, it's illegal. In Jordan, they're not allowed to have any influence."

Ben Ari continued: "There is no reason we should be a stupid democracy and let people who want to destroy us have a voice."

After nearly half an hour of rock-throwing and tire-burning, police ran and rode horses into the streets of Umm al Fahm, continuing to shoot stun grenades and tear gas, and dragged away the offenders, as the right-wing activists approached the town.

Police arrested several suspects, and reported no injuries. MK Hanin Zoabi said she was injured by tear gas, and accused the police of using extensive force, Israel Radio reported.

"There is a large police presence in and around for this morning's gathering by right-wing activists," Israel Police spokesman Chief Inspector Micky Rosenfeld told The Jerusalem Post earlier Wednesday. "We are hoping things will be quiet and without any disturbances."

As Al Jazeera had reported...

...Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli police in response to a demonstration by members of a right-wing Jewish group in the town of Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel.

Israeli police fired tear gas at a crowd of Palestinian-Israelis who had gathered to protest against the march by about 70 Our Land of Israel supporters through the mainly Arab town.

The Jewish protesters were calling for the Islamic Movement of Israel, led by Sheikh Raed Salah, to be made illegal. [...]

The police responded with tear gas and baton charges, Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reported.

"Certainly police were expecting this kind of violence and it has manifested itself," she said.

Fifteen of the Palestinian demonstrators were injured, two of them members of the Knesset.

No Our Land of Israel protesters were arrested, but ten from the Palestinian side were.

Plainclothes Israeli police officers were seen amongst the Palestinian protesters with handguns firing shots.

Protesters have said that they believe live ammunition was used, a charge which Israeli police deny.

Micky Rosenfeld, a spokesperson for the Israeli police, told Al Jazeera their level of response "did not involve live fire or rubber bullets".

"Soft balls were used, which in fact only cause minimum amount of damage and no one was injured seriously, in terms of those causing the riots," he said.

Now, the PIC reports on this interesting development...

Israeli policemen fired stun and tear gas grenades at the angry Palestinians who tried to confront the settlers, and physically attacked them which led to injuries and suffocation cases among the protesters including Arab Knesset member Hanin Zoabi.

The clashes erupted after more than 30 right-wing settlers traveled in buses from occupied Jerusalem to Umm al-Fahm this morning, led by far-right activists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir, in order to hold a protest march calling for outlawing the Islamic Movement.

Eyewitness said that undercover agents who were throwing stones along with Umm Al-Fahm young men fired shots into the air to signal to the Israeli policemen to start their attack on the Palestinians. Those agents helped the policemen to arrest seven of the Palestinian protesters. [...]

Earlier before the arrival of the settler's buses, eyewitness reported that more than 1,500 Israeli policemen were deployed in Umm Al-Fahm and its environs to protect them after an Israeli court allowed them to march in the city.

Now, the head of the Israeli Police, MK Aharonovitch, backs the police's use of force in Umm al-Fahm...

Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch told the Knesset that the rightist march in Umm al-Fahm had been approved by the Supreme Court and coordinated with the police.

"Gunpowder was already laid out on the city's grounds and police officers did their utmost to maintain order. Sometimes the price of preserving democracy is use of force – these are rules applicable to every protest. I support the officers," he said.

You be the judge...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Latest Israeli Fear: 'Anti-Israel Bishops Have Hijacked The Vatican'

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by

Saturday's Haaretz carried this explosive report...

Vatican meeting demands Israel end occupation

Bishops also condemn all forms of terrorism and anti-Semitism in statement.

Bishops from the Middle East who were summoned by the pope to Rome have demanded that Israel accept U.N. resolutions calling for an end to its occupation of Arab lands.

In a final statement Saturday, the bishops also told Israel it shouldn't use the Bible to justify injustices against the Palestinians.

The bishops issued the statement at the close of their two-week meeting, called by Pope Benedict XVI to discuss the plight of Christians in the Middle East amid a major exodus of the faithful from the birthplace of Christianity.

On Sunday, Danny Ayalon, former Israeli ambassador to the US during Shrub's administration, unleashed this tirade...

Deputy FM: Anti-Israel bishops have hijacked the Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and Middle East bishops demand that Israel accept U.N. resolutions calling for an end to its occupation of Arab lands.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday that a meeting of Middle East bishops was hijacked by enemies of Israel, after the gathering at the Vatican largely blamed the state for conflict in the region.

In a communiqué at the end of their two-week meeting, the bishops demanded that Israel accept United Nations resolutions calling for an end to its occupation of Arab lands...

"We express our disappointment that this important synod has become a forum for political attacks on Israel in the best history of Arab propaganda," Ayalon said in a statement Sunday.

"The synod was hijacked by an anti-Israel majority," he said.

Damn it, Danny...! Why didn't you call the whole lot of 'em anti-semites already and be done with it...? Danny must be slacking...! He must know in his charcoal heart that the Pope is an anti-semite... After all, the Pope is a German, and, his hands are not exactly clean, in regards to the holocaust. *gah*

But I digress...

As the AP reported...

...The Mideast meeting at the Vatican involved about 185 participants, including nine patriarchs of the Mideast's ancient Christian churches and representatives from 13 other Christian communities. A rabbi and two Muslim clerics were invited to the meeting as well. [...]

"Peace is possible. Peace is urgent," Benedict said in his homily. "Peace is also the best remedy to avoid the emigration from the Middle East."

The pope also called freedom of religion "one of the fundamental human rights, which each state should always respect" and said the issue should be the subject of dialogue with Muslims. [...]

The Palestinians welcomed the synod's conclusions in a statement released by Saeb Erekat, a senior aide to the Palestinian leadership. "The international community must uphold its moral and legal responsibility to put a speedy end to the illegal Israel occupation," Erekat said.

Another smear recently floated by the Israelis...

Jimmy Carter "refused to meet" soldier's family

Radio Israel has reported that former US President Jimmy Carter rejected a request for a meeting with the family of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held by Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza. [...]

Sergeant Shalit's father, Noam, told Radio Israel that the ex-President said "he does not have time for this". His son's situation, he added, is "still the same - there's nothing new". Mr. Shalit is pessimistic, with Israeli and international efforts to free his son carrying on "but to no avail".

Hmmm... Why then did Haaretz recently report this...

Carter: Hamas eager to renew talks for Shalit's release

The Elders hold meetings with Hamas officials, discuss stalled negotiations for Shalit's release and Middle East peace talks.

Former American President Jimmy Carter said Thursday that Hamas was interested in renewing negotiations for a prisoner swap deal in exchange for captive Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit.

"They let us know... they are very eager to proceed," Carter told reporters in East Jerusalem several days after meeting Hamas officials in Syria.

Sounds like Carter wanted nothing to do with the Shalits', to me...!

One would think the paranoia needs to stop at some point...

Foreign Ministry drawing up options for Iran bomb threat

Policy options considered for "day after" Iran gains nukes; official: Teheran with bomb would be disaster, but we must be prepared for it.

...Revelations on Sunday of a Foreign Ministry team working on these contingency plans was the first admission that the government is giving serious thought to adjusting to a reality where Israel is no longer, according to foreign sources, the sole nuclear power in the region. [...]

In Israel, the government official said, the feeling is very much that Iran with a bomb would indeed be a disaster, with no positive side to it.

Nonetheless it is a disaster which Israel, even while trying to avert, must prepare for, the official said.

The Foreign and Defense ministries regularly draw up contingency plans for any number of unwanted scenarios.

The Foreign Ministry, for example, also has a team also preparing options to present to the septet, security cabinet and government if the Palestinian Authority carries out its threats to ask the UN General Assembly to recognize a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Debunking The 'Bomb, Bomb, Iran' Crew... Again!

That RT Youtube above is dated from August 10, 2010, Ray McGovern and VIPS had just released a Memorandum, in which they had raised the alarm about this Repugnant bill, HR 1553 (6 pg. PDF!), that was sent around to House members...

Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel.

Earlier this month, another member of VIPS, Philip Giraldi, wrote; "The Iran Report"

...The last NIE on Iran, released in late 2007(PDF!), was controversial in that it concluded that Iran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and had not resumed it. The document was immediately attacked by neoconservatives and the media, who responded that the Iranians might have a secret program and were intending to revive their efforts. Israel and its supporters have since been insisting that there is, in fact, a hidden program and have been constantly sending out alarms suggesting that a nuclear weapon is only six months or a year away. They keep revising forward the date whenever six months or a year passes without a weapon actually making an appearance.

The new Iran NIE has been delayed a number of times because of conflicting demands from the CIA analysts involved and from the White House. The analysts, badly burned by the heavily politicized 2002 NIE on Iraq, which led to a war, and also nervous about the barrage of criticism of the 2007 NIE on Iran, want the estimate to be completely credible and very tightly analyzed and reviewed. The Obama Administration wants, instead, a document that will give it whatever option it seeks to pursue vis-à-vis the Mullahs...

Yeppers... Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old...! Can you say 'Stovepipe' and 'Cherry Pick'...! *gah*

Anyways, I chose to write about this all-important topic because there's currently a long lull in the Peace Farce talks, and, even in the unity talks between Fatah and Hamas. Also, while partaking in my usual perusal of Haaretz and the other Israeli dailies, I came across this interview with ex-IAEA henchman, Olli Heinonen...

Behind the scenes of UN nuclear inspection of Iran

It's only been two months since Olli Heinonen left the IAEA, where he worked for 27 years. In a first interview with an Israeli media outlet, he cautiously explains what is known about Iran's nuclear program

..."The challenge faced by the international community in coping with Iran's nuclear effort is huge," he states in the interview. "We have about a year, until the end of 2011, or perhaps the start of 2012, to solve the problem." [...]

"The centrifuges are not operating well, and some of them are failing," Heinonen said. "They are losing materials because of this; and so, with this defective equipment, they will have a hard time enriching the material to a level high enough to enable the production of nuclear weapons. They have a lot of problems, and they are not there yet."

So, which is it Olli...? *gah*

Now, fortunately there's a few individuals that are wise to Olli's wily ways. For instance, Iran Affairs' Cyrus Safdari has been chronicling his mischief for some time. Here's Cyrus shortly after Olli announced his resignation...

Spinning Olli Heinonen's resignation from IAEA

IAEA Deputy Director Olli Heinonen has apparently announced his plans to resign from the IAEA. It is interesting to read how the media are trying to spin this news.

For example, the BBC claims:

Mr Heinonen's department's five-year investigation drew on Western intelligence to help to build the IAEA's case that Iran was working to develop a nuclear-armed missile.

Actually the IAEA has never made any such claim about "nuclear armed missiles." These are part of the so-called "Alleged Studies" claims that the US has made against Iran based on the "Laptop of Death" computer it claims was obtained from a secret source in Iran. Quite the contrary to what the BBC claims, there is reportedly a lot of controversy within the IAEA about the authenticity of these "alleged studies" claims, and the IAEA has consistently stated that it has no actual evidence to back up the claims. This is what former IAEA head Elbaradei had to say about the documents:

And I have been making it very clear that with regard to these alleged studies, we have not seen any use of nuclear material, we have not received any information that Iran has manufactured any part of a nuclear weapon or component. That’s why I say, to present the Iran threat as imminent is hype.

But spinning Heinonen's resignation continues. The Jerusalem Post says:

Heinonen, a 63-year-old Finnish radiochemist, caused great international worry in February 2008 with a power-point presentation to diplomats showing links between Teheran's efforts to process uranium and Iranian tests of high explosives and modifications to missiles to deliver a nuclear payload.

Well, again, during that presentation Heinonen was simply presenting the content of the "alleged studies", and not vouching for them nor presenting independently-obtained evidence by the IAEA. The US gave (some) of alleged studies claims to the IAEA, Heinonen presented the information in a powerpoint to the diplomats, one of whom then (conveniently-enough) leaked it to the press -- thereby allowing the press to misrepresent the matter as if the alleged studies claimed originated with the IAEA rather than with the US. They basically recylcled the allegations to hide their true source.

Antiwar's Muhammad Sahimi details some of the hijinks and more on the 'Nuke Laptop'...

A New Judith Miller for
Iran Hawks?

[David] Albright's contact at the IAEA, with whom he is "extremely tight" (in the words of several sources), is Olli Heinonen, the IAEA's deputy director for safeguards, who is in charge of the current inspections in Iran. Heinonen, whose Finnish nationality may lead people to believe that he is impartial, is leading a crusade against Iran. He constantly acts outside the IAEA's protocol by leaking sensitive information to the press and spreading unproven allegations about Iran's nuclear program. A February 2008 report by ElBaradei to the Board of Governors of the IAEA declared that Iran's six minor breaches of its Safeguards Agreement had been addressed to the IAEA's satisfaction and that the IAEA had a better understanding of the history of Iran's nuclear program. Heinonen immediately made a presentation to the Board of Governors that was entirely based on the laptop, four years after the IAEA had obtained it, calling its contents "alarming." He expects the Iranian government to explain a document it has never seen. The solution is straightforward: present copies of the documents to Iran and analyze the laptop's digital chain of custody.

Now, wouldn't you be a little skeptical about an Iranian Scientist's laptop that is all in English with no Farsi...

...Tehran rejected the material as forged, and there are still reservations within the IAEA about its authenticity, according to officials with knowledge of the internal debate in the agency.

"First of all, if you have a clandestine programme, you don't put it on laptops which can walk away," one official said. "The data is all in English which may be reasonable for some of the technical matters, but at some point you'd have thought there would be at least some notes in Farsi. So there is some doubt over the provenance of the computer."

IAEA officials do not comment on intelligence passed to the watchdog agency by foreign governments, saying all such assistance is confidential.

It is insane how determined they are to 'Bomb, Bomb, Iran'...!


One other noteworthy I/P article I saw today...

Israel army chief says forces fired 308 bullets on flotilla

Israeli commandos fired 308 live bullets aboard a Gaza-bound aid ship in May, Israel's army chief said on Sunday as he testified again before the Tirkel panel investigating the incident.

Gabi Ashkenazi said the navy's killing of nine Turkish nationals on the Mavi Marmara had been unavoidable, British news wire Reuters reported.

God help us all...!

Friday, October 22, 2010

'Crazy Horse 18'

Just to refresh one's memory I've re-posted that gruesome video originally released back in April, 2010 by Wikileaks. In the latest Wikileaks dump it's abundantly clear that wasn't the only 'incident' Crazy Horse 18 was involved in that made the headlines...!

As Al Jazeera's Gregg Carlstrom reports...

'Crazy Horse' and collateral damage

Helicopter squadron that killed two Reuters journalists in 2007 was involved in other attacks that hurt civilians.

...For reasons that are unclear, the leaked documents do not include any account of that raid. But "Crazy Horse 18" - either the same pilot, or a pilot from the same squadron - is involved in several other incidents that result in collateral damage or show an excessive use of force.

In perhaps the most egregious, the helicopter pursues and kills two militants riding in a truck who were allegedly carrying a tripod and tube used to launch mortars. The helicopter opened fire on the truck with its 30mm cannon, at which point the men got out and tried to surrender.

Crazyhorse 18 reports AIF got into a dump truck headed north, engaged and then they came out wanting to surrender. Crazyhorse 18 reports they got back into truck and are heading north. Crazyhorse 18 cleared to engage dumptruck. 1/227 lawyer states they can not surrender to aircraft and are still valid targets. Crazyhorse 18 reports they missed with Hellfire and individuals have ran into another shack. IH6 approves Crazyhorse 18 to engage shack. Crazyhorse 18 reports engaged and destroyed shack with 2X AIF. BDA is shack/dump truck destroyed.

The helicopter, in other words, pursued a group of men who attempted to surrender, firing missiles at them not once but twice.

It is impossible to say, based on the limited evidence in the report, whether the unit's lawyer was correct that the men driving the truck "can not surrender to aircraft".

Now, to expand on Gregg's excellent reporting, I'd like to point out that 'call signs' like Crazy Horse 18 designate specific individuals, not specific equipment, per se...

In other words, Crazy Horse 18 is the same Apache helicopter pilot that was involved in those specific 2007 'incident' reports. There is a remote chance it's not the same pilot, but, it would be only a slim possibility...

Why is that you might ask...?

Call signs are standardized, they have remained the same throughout my twenty years of service and I've seen no proof of them having changed it since I retired 5 yrs ago...!

I should temper my statement, instead of it being a specific individual, rather, it's a specific position held within the Combatant unit...

Here's a basic primer on unit call signs, in numerical order...

-02 Generally, the TOC's (Tactical Operation Center)call sign, be it at a Division, Brigade, Bn, and/or Co level...

-05 The Executive Office'rs(XO) nomenclature at all levels...

-06 The Commander's(CO) call sign at all levels

Now, when you get to the higher numbers you're looking at the individual maneuver unit's call signs...

-10(19) First platoon call signs...

-20(29) Second plt, etc...

-30(39) Third plt, etc...

Some utilize the 40's for a 4th plt, etc...

The 50's are reserved for the Combat Support functions at all levels...

Rarely, have I heard any call sign above the 50's...!

The point I'm trying to make is that a call sign is readily identifiable, and doesn't change unless the individual has been promoted/demoted, and/or transferred...

Truly, 'Crazy Horse 18' should be prosecuted for 'war crimes'...


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jimmy Carter Says Palestinians Live In A ‘Cage’

Yesterday, from Damascus, Syria Jimmy Carter said in no uncertain terms...

Jimmy Carter says Palestinians live in a 'cage'

Former President Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that Palestinians are "living in a cage" in Gaza and that the militant group Hamas must be included in all major efforts for peace.

Carter was in Syria with an international group of veteran statesmen known as the Elders, which includes Ireland's former President Mary Robinson.

"We believe that Hamas should be included in all the major efforts to peace ... It is part of the Palestinian people," Carter said. He added that "1.5 million Palestinians are held in a cage or prison while their human rights are taken away. [...]

Carter's remarks came as reconciliation talks between the two Palestinian factions(Fatah and Hamas) were postponed on Tuesday."

The indefatigable and incessant Carter is on another Middle East Peace blitzkrieg, with the Elders...

She (Mary Robinson) will be joined by her fellow Elders Lakhdar Brahimi, Ela Bhatt and Jimmy Carter.

From 16-22 October 2010, the group will travel together to Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories to meet with ordinary Israelis and Palestinians, civil society, and political leaders.

Today, the Elders met with Abbas in Ramallah...

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday met with the International Elders Group and discussed with them the stalled peace process and achieving the inter-Palestinian reconciliation.

Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath told a joint news conference after the meeting, which was held in the West Bank city of Ramallah, that Abbas briefed the elders' delegation on the latest developments related to the stalled peace process with Israel. [...]

Shaath said that the delegation backed the Palestinian stance that called for halting the Jewish settlement and ending Gaza blockade.

Meanwhile, Carter told reporters that the question of reconciliation between Abbas's Fatah party and its rival Islamic Hamas movement "was also discussed with Abbas and was discussed earlier with the Egyptians."

Now, something that truly flew under the radar of our Western MSM was the fact that Hamas and Fatah were to meet in Damascus, to further a reconciliation pact...

Fatah declines Hamas invitation to hold reconciliation talks in Gaza

Senior Hamas official Dr. Salah Al Bardawil said Fatah refused Hamas’s proposal to hold a meeting aimed at achieving Palestinian reconciliation in the Gaza Strip.

The meeting was initially scheduled to be held in the Syrian capital of Damascus at the recommendation of the Fatah movement.

Bardawil said in a press release Wednesday that Hamas made several contacts with Fatah to bypass disputes over the meeting’s venue, noting that Fatah’s request to change the venue of the conference from Damascus may have been “a kind of extortion”.

He added that Fatah’s request could be an attempt to hamper significantly progressing efforts towards reconciliation realized in recent talks. The movement has put forth no reasonable grounds for its position.

I suppose that is why Carter insisted that Hamas be included at the table. Despite the Abu Mazen rebuffing on the Damascus meet-up, Hamas is still willing...

Mashaal: Hamas willing to accept peace deal with Israel

Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal says his group is willing to accept any peace agreement achieved between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, as long as it enjoys a Palestinian consensus, Ynet learned Wednesday.

In an interview with Newsweek Magazine, Mashaal predicted that the inception of a Palestinian state was not something that could happen in the foreseeable future, and urged Washington to "hear from us directly.” Hamas, he said, already talks to Washington via unofficial channels, including former president Jimmy Carter.

Neither Israel nor the PA want to see Hamas become an active participant in the peace talks, but according to Mashaal trying to circumvent Hamas completely always proves to be a mistake, since "Hamas is a key player."

Hmmm... Do you suppose that is why Fatah called off the meet up in Damascus at the last possible minute, and. why Jimmy Carter stressed the need for Hamas' participation...?

What a shame...! But the intransigence towards reconciliation wasn't confined to just Fatah...

South Africa mission comes to Ramallah to aid Palestinian reconciliation

South Africa's representative to the Palestinian Authority had planned to meet with Hamas leaders but Israel would not let him enter Gaza strip.

South Africa's diplomatic mission in Ramallah is trying to assist the reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah, on the assumption that internal Palestinian unity is necessary to successfully fight the Israeli occupation. [...]

Boraine had been scheduled to travel to Gaza yesterday for meetings with Hamas figures there, but said he learned Tuesday night that Israel would not let him enter the Strip.

Even Madame Secretary Clinton frankly admitted today...

Clinton: No Magic Solution to Impasse in Talks

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who spoke on Wednesday with a group of PA Arabs who support the direct negotiations with Israel, said that talks are the only way to promote peace, and that although they are currently at an impasse, they are necessary.

"We have no illusions about solving the issues and it is not a secret that we are in a difficult period," said Clinton, adding: "There is no magic solution to the impasse in the talks, but we work every day to create the conditions for their success."


Monday, October 18, 2010

Bibi's Chutzpah Parte Deux...

I swear Bibi knows no bounds whatsoever...

Netanyahu wants loyalty oath bill to include Jews as well

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed Justice Minister Ya'akov Ne'eman on Monday to prepare a new bill extending the loyalty oath, which is currently aimed at non-Jews, to include Jewish immigrants as well.

"We expect that every person wishing to become an Israeli citizen recognize Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," Netanyahu said on Monday evening.

"There is broad approval among the Israeli public regarding the Jewish and democratic identity of Israel, and that is not incidental. The state of Israel was founded as the sovereign state of the Jewish people and as a democratic state in which all its citizens – Jews and non-Jews alike – enjoy equal rights. Any person wishing to become an Israeli citizen must recognize these two key principals."

And if that wasn't galling enough...

PM: New building permits will not affect peace process

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's preoccupation with the settlement building was "superficial" and that the additional permits will not affect the the peace process. [...]

"If the Palestinians want to find problems then we won't proceed. If they want to solve the problems, I think that there are other ways to get over the gaps and move forward," Netanyahu told the Likud members.

*Aargh* Wtf, over...?

It's not just Bibi, but, a full court press...

Israeli envoy says only peace can halt settlements

Israel will only stop its disputed settlement building when the Palestinians make a peace agreement, its UN ambassador said ahead of new Security Council talks Monday on the Middle East conflict. [...]

"People understand," Reuben declared. "I don't think they agree with the way we are going, but they definitely understand the fact that settlements are not a burden on the peace process and not something that will stop the peace process." [...]

"The other side is only looking for pretexts to put obstacles in the road, because they were never an obstacle in the road" in the past, Reuben said.

That's not even the worst of it...

Israeli ambassador: we're a "long way from discussing settlements"

On why Israel doesn't want to discuss settlements now:

Settlements -- from our perspective -- is a final status issue. It is way down the list of final status issues because settlements from our perspective are a subcategory of borders which are a subcategory of security. And so we are a long way from discussing settlements. By putting them up front, it creates a difficultly -- a political difficulty. And it further augments the skepticism that many Israelis feel about the seriousness of a Palestinian interlocutor if they're making the issue of settlements -- something that the government cannot do right now.

Interestingly, even Abbas said so; “Netanyahu Told Me He Cannot Extend Settlement Freeze."

Please read that whole Cable article on Oren's viewpoints...!

Now, to it's credit, the Haaretz editorial staff blasted Bibi in no uncertain terms...

Building to destroy the peace process

The only explanation for the government's approval of 240 new housing units in East Jerusalem is that it was an attempt to sabotage the efforts to renew direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

...On the issue of whether the Palestinians view Jerusalem as a settlement, they are not the only ones who hold this position. The United States also regards the territories that have been annexed and incorporated into Jerusalem as settlements, whose final status must be agreed upon in talks between the two sides.

Expanding construction beyond the Green Line puts Jerusalem at the center of international discussion. It also contradicts the government's goal of postponing any talks on the future of the city to as great an extent as possible. This construction is an inseparable part of our disagreement with both the Palestinians and the United States, and it would behoove Israel to recognize this. The government must stop pulling the wool over our eyes and cease taking such unilateral steps, which not only lessen our chances of reaching a deal with the Palestinians, but also cause considerable diplomatic damage.

Even Opposition leader MK Tzipi Livni spoke out, half-heartedly tho...

Addressing the current Israeli government and the peace process, she said: "I do not believe in leadership that is built out of fear, and I do not think it reflects Israel's security interests. Time is working against Israel and in the absence of a decision we may find ourselves with Hamas and unable to even sign a piece of paper. The threats exist and part of the leadership only looks at reality from this angle. Israel is in a situation where it is talking about strong but is actually weakened."

About that fear factor...

Lieberman: Palestinians may try to form autonomous Arab regions within Israel

Foreign minister says there is a possibility the Palestinians may try to delegitimize Israel as a Jewish state.

And even Bibi had to fear-monger...

Netanyahu: Hamas has obtained anti-aircraft missiles

Israel's aerial freedom has been compromised by new weaponry in Gaza, presumably smuggled through tunnels connected to Egypt, PM tells Likud members for the first time.


Now, since Bibi has flatly rejected the Makovsky wet dream err... offer, for a mere two month extension even! Does that mean the US offer to veto all I/P related UN resolutions is still on...?

Palestinians plan UN resolution calling for settlement evacuation

The Palestinian leadership, in conjunction with Arab states, plans to submit a resolution to the UN Security Council stating that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal and must be evacuated, Haaretz has learned. This initiative comes in place of an earlier idea of seeking Security Council recognition for a Palestinian state within pre-1967 lines.

The Palestinians believe the United States would veto any resolution recognizing a Palestinian state that was not the fruit of an agreement with Israel. But Washington would have trouble opposing a resolution that declared the settlements illegal under international law.

The prime minister's envoy for talks with the Palestinians, attorney Isaac Molho, has refused to take receipt of a document detailing the Palestinian leadership's positions on all the core issues of the conflict.

A diplomatic source said yesterday that chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat tried to hand the document to Molho during their meeting in Washington a few weeks ago. Several American officials, including special envoy for the peace process George Mitchell, were also present.

The document detailed the Palestinian positions that had earlier been presented to Mitchell during the months of proximity talks.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bureau responded that it cannot comment on what happened at a diplomatic meeting, because all parties to the talks agreed to maintain secrecy.

What a crock of crap...! It certainly has been enlightening watching the dribs and drabs that has leaked out from behind that illusory wall of secrecy...!

The US had best abstain, at least, and not veto that meager UN resolution...!

We shall see...!
